#计算机科学#NSFW detection on the client-side via TensorFlow.js
翻译 - 通过TensorFlow.js在客户端进行NSFW检测
Lightweight nudity detection
翻译 - 神经网络用于裸露检测和审查
A free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to block “not safe for work” content built using TypeScript and TensorFlow.js.
翻译 - Google Chrome / Firefox扩展程序,可阻止您使用TensorFlow JS加载的网页中的NSFW图像。
Deep learning based content moderation from text, audio, video & image input modalities.
#计算机科学#A .NET image and video classifier used to identify explicit/pornographic content written in C#.
#网络爬虫#Crawl telegra.ph searching for nudes!
NudeNet: NSFW Object Detection for TFJS and NodeJS
Python REST API to detect images with adult content
#计算机科学#NSFW classify model implemented with tensorflow.
An NSFW Image Classification REST API for effortless Content Moderation built with Node.js, Tensorflow, and Parse Server
#自然语言处理#Open Source Deep Learning Serving System with Web Interface
#计算机科学#Rest API Written In Python To Classify NSFW Images.
A Simple NSFW Classifier Based on Keras and Tensorflow
Pytorch model for NSFW classification with usage example
#计算机科学#This repo contains Deep learning Implementation for identifying NSFW images.
#计算机科学#A JavaScript image classifier used to identify explicit/pornographic content written in TypeScript.
#安卓#[Android] NSFW(Nude Content) Detector using Firebase AutoML and TensorFlow Lite
An AWS Sagemaker Model developed for Nudity / NSFW Images Classification. This Model was developed during my Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree.
NSFW Image Detector with REST interface developed using Keras and Flask
#计算机科学#Interface for Image-Related Deep Learning Models (E.g. NSFW, MAYBE and SFW)