#计算机科学#NSFW detection on the client-side via TensorFlow.js
翻译 - 通过TensorFlow.js在客户端进行NSFW检测
#计算机科学#Arbitrary style transfer using TensorFlow.js
翻译 - 使用TensorFlow.js进行任意样式传输
A TensorFlow.js based AI player platform for T-Rex Runner. T-Rex Runner is originally an easter egg game inside chrome.
#计算机科学#In-Browser Object Detection using Tiny YOLO on Tensorflow.js
#计算机科学#A project to make Amazon Echo respond to sign language using your webcam
#计算机科学#Learning to track eye movement in the browser
#计算机科学#Pytorch to Keras/Tensorflow/TFLite conversion made intuitive
#人脸识别#😷 An SPA that uses only the front-end to perform deep-learning-based facial landmark detection on images and automatically adds breathing mask stickers.
#计算机科学#Working on some new examples with tensorflow.js and p5.js
#计算机科学#NSFWjs in React Native
#计算机科学#Interactive Visual Machine Learning Demos.
#人脸识别#Interactive digital art with head-coupled perspective effect using Three.js and TensorFlow.js
Chrome browser extension for using TensorFlow image recognition on web pages
#计算机科学#Training a Rock Paper Scissors model in the browser via TFJS - Learn along style
#计算机科学#Identify Diseases in Plants☘️ with Machine Learning on the web using TFJS
#计算机科学#A demo application with TensorFlow.js bindings for Angular.
#计算机科学#NSFW classify model implemented with tensorflow.
#计算机科学#[WIP] - Gesture recognition using hardware and Tensorflow.js
An NSFW Image Classification REST API for effortless Content Moderation built with Node.js, Tensorflow, and Parse Server