#Awesome#Awesome generative art
#计算机科学#Arbitrary style transfer using TensorFlow.js
翻译 - 使用TensorFlow.js进行任意样式传输
Implementation of "Learning to Shadow Hand-drawn Sketches" CVPR 2020 (Oral)
🎵 Create Spotify playlists based on one artist through the command line
💽 Fetch cover art for an artist or album: "The Beatles" ➔ http://path/to/beatles.jpg
ArtistAssistApp is a web app for artists to accurately mix any color from a photo, analyze tonal values, turn a photo into an outline, draw with the grid method, paint with a limited palette, simplify...
🎧 Music streaming/downloading search engine
Powerful screen ColorPicker/Chooser application for Linux Desktop
Youtube Music Engine Script PHP
Web AR served as a PWA to enable artists to expose and share virtual content in real spaces.
An easy to use Blender Add-on that allows you to bake Bevel Shader to the Normal Map, Ambient Occlusion to the AO Map in fully automatic mode.
Free website template built for musicians / artists to promote their music and connect to their audience.
🎨 The open source art platform where you keep track of your characters (or fursonas), commissions, and adopts!
View and search for artists, labels and releases in the Discogs.com library, from the command line.
A Spotify Profile App made with React, Express, Node and Tailwind
Check out the various styles and effects OpenPerform has to offer with our BVH animation demo!
OpenISS -- a unified multimodal motion data delivery framework.