🎵 Create Spotify playlists based on one artist through the command line
Spotifox is yet another spotify CLI client similar to go-musicfox
A script written in Python to get your Spotify stats like top artists, songs, albums & more :)
An open souce music streamer based on MPV and piped.
Spotify CLI built using Kotlin, CliKt and GraalVM (with native-image)
download spotify playlist locally in mp3 format
Browse, control and listen to spotify from the command line
A tool to download music from Spotify and Youtube, free, as it should
Export Spotify playlists to CSV directly from the terminal.
This project allows you to download Spotify playlists in MP3 format. Bu proje, Spotify oynatma listelerini MP3 formatında indirmenizi sağlar.
A CLI tool to export and filter out your Spotify liked songs into playlists. With support for filters like ranges of date added, release date, genre, audio features, and more.
Use Spotify in CLI to scroll through music while not switching to the other tabs!
#编辑器#Spoi3fy is my personal setup that integrates Spotify with i3-status through i3-blocks and lets you switch tracks like VIM.
Simple Python script to quickly show on the terminal the lyrics of the song that is being currently played on Spotify