A Simple jQuery Plugin for Animating Scroll
翻译 - 一个简单的jQuery动画滚动插件
Free website template built for musicians / artists to promote their music and connect to their audience.
#前端开发#Natural-JS : Javascript Front-End Architecture Framework
jQuery UI Datepicker with bootstrap theme (Persian Shamsi, Arabic, Gregorian Calendar Support)
Code for adding various effects to Squarespace v7.1 and v7.0 sites.
Bootstrap 3 navbar multi level drop-down For Codeingiter
Albumize is a jQuery plugin that lets you manage collection of images in the web page as albums. With albumize, you can browse albums, add cover image to albums and switch between albums.
Welcome to the Wonderful World of jQuery! Glad you could make it! We start with some context about how we'll be approaching JQUERY and what you can use this wonderful API for.
Very simple 🎂 **Happy Birthday** 🅰️ Angular Application 😛.
jquery-input-mask-phone-number.js - A simple, easy jquery format phone number mask library
Stock Management System *version 1.0 Stacks used: Python / Django / Html / CSS / jQuery / JavaScript / Bootstrap / MySQL Comprehensive stock management system using Django, designed to help bus...
A simple snake game made with JavaScript, JQuery library, CSS, HTML and the Python Flask framework as backend.
Ejercicios ya resueltos de jquery con los que he practicado durante mis estudios. Este es un mirror de: https://gitlab.com/raupulus/jquery-ejercicios-resueltos y los comparto para que puedas utilizarl...
A live code editor support html, css and javascript.
#UI框架#Laravel based CRUD application, used to User Login, Registration, Dashboard and CRUD for Manage Customers. Advanced Bootstrap 4.0 based UI for Admin Dashboard. Features: 1- Admin User Login and g...
ReqEase redefines web development. Our JavaScript library simplifies HTTP requests with validation, loading indicators, and response handling. Customize effortlessly, integrate seamlessly, and elevate...
Free website template built for professionals to market their skills and showcase their projects.
You will be able to add new tasks too a list, as well as remove the existing items