#编辑器#快图设计-基于fabric.js和Vue的开源图片编辑器,可自定义字体、素材、设计模板。fabric.js and Vue based image editor, can customize fonts, materials, design templates.
#编辑器#The web-based motion graphics editor for everyone 📽
Image, Presentation and Video editor. React design editor using fabric.js. Canva clone
#编辑器#React Design Editor has started to developed direct manipulation of editable design tools like Powerpoint, We've developed it with reactjs, ant.design, fabricjs
翻译 - React Design Editor已经开始开发对可编辑设计工具(如Powerpoint)的直接操作,我们已经使用reactjs,ant.design,fabricjs开发了它
Extensible image editing tool in your browser
基于fabric.js的开源版【稿定设计】。一款美观且功能强大的在线设计工具,具备海报设计和图片编辑功能。适用于多种场景,如海报生成、电商产品图制作、文章长图设计、视频/公众号封面编辑等 。A beautiful and powerful online design tool
Supercharge Notion with custom commands to record, draw, and more ✍️
🌸这是一个有趣的前端趣味知识公园~该项目是我平时捣鼓前端相关技术的一些案例集合。【涵盖:(Tensorflow.js-姿态识别,人脸识别),(WebRTC-音视频通话,录屏,虚拟背景,信令服务器),(Threejs-太阳系,3D 动画),(图片处理-千图成像,图片压缩,画板),(隐写术-文本隐写加密,图片隐写加密)等等...】
基于canvas fabric.js库 创建的vue fabric组件,定制画板,图片组合绘制
#编辑器#Drag-and-drop editor based on Fabricjs for Angular.io
A simple video editor made with nextjs, react, tailwindcss, mobx, typescript and fabric.js
Open-Source, collaborative, digital Whiteboard
Crayon is a canvas brush based on an awesome framework Fabric.js
javascript image editor based on fabric.js
A feature-rich graphic design SaaS platform with an intuitive editor for template customization, text/shape manipulation, and advanced drawing tools. Includes secure Stripe subscriptions and AI-powere...