#计算机科学#In this repository, I have developed the entire server-side principal architecture for real-time stock market prediction with Machine Learning. I have used Tensorflow.js for constructing ml model arch...
翻译 - 在此存储库中,我已经开发了用于通过Machine Learning进行实时股票市场预测的整个服务器端主体架构。我已经使用Tensorflow.js来构建ml模型架构,并使用Kafka进行实时数据流传输和流水线操作。
TFJS based finger pose classifier for hand landmarks detected by the MediaPipe Handpose model
A TensorFlow.js Graph Model Converter
#计算机科学#This repository demonstrates an end-to-end pipeline for real-time Facial emotion recognition application through full-stack development. The frontend is developed in react.js and the backend is develo...
Deploy image classifier on a static website using javascript.
Use your webcam to identify gestures and trigger any script
Face tracker to detect and analyze lack of attention using facial features.
A simple tutorial on MediaPipe Selfie Segmentation.
transforms image or video to pixel art using tensor flow model body-pix
Faciem-Deprehendatur is a web application which can do our Real Time AI Face Landmark Detection using Pre-Trained Model " Facemesh-Landmark-Detection " of Tensorflow.js and shows the Face-Mesh by ...
Determining similarity between two sentences in terms of semantic using pre trained Universal Sentence Encoder from TensorFlow.js
#人脸识别#Upload Image and Face Identification using React js and tensorflow model
Answering questions based on a given context or passage.
#计算机科学#Evaluates a client-side model built on top of the Universal Sentence Encoder to detect hateful content selected for the analysis
Interactive tensorflowjs BERT model for question answers on top of NextJS.
Real time AI hand pose detection and Gesture recognition app build by using ReactJS and react webcam
#计算机科学#A Chrome Extension to find out toxicity on any social media page.
TensorFlow.js library codes and model training.
Real time object detection with tensorflowjs/coco-ssd with text-to-speech and search