Automatic 3D Character animation using Pose Estimation and Landmark Generation techniques
An Implementation of VTuber (Both 3D and Live2D) using Python and Unity. Providing face movement tracking, eye blinking detection, iris detection and tracking and mouth movement tracking using CPU onl...
GPU accelerated deep learning inference applications for RaspberryPi / JetsonNano / Linux PC using TensorflowLite GPUDelegate / TensorRT
Realtime TensorFlow.js + WebGL visualization apps. 3D Hand pose estimation, 3D Human pose estimation, Face swap, Depth estimation, Higher accuracy face detection.
#人脸识别#Real time webcam face detection, protect yourself from COVID19 with a virtual mask
#人脸识别#🖼️ PortraitStylization - A Pytorch style transfer algorithm optimized for human faces. Based on the paper "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style" (
#计算机科学#Machine-Learning powered Virtual Camera with SVG Animation (alpha)
🌈🎨 Generative Art is the idea realized as genetic code of artificial events, as construction of dynamic complex systems able to generate endless variations. This is also a nuxt-module (@luxdamore/nu...
Mouse control via head tracking, as a cross platform desktop app and JS library. eViacam alternative.
#人脸识别#A scout guarding your Pardus 🕵️
Resources for understanding the output of MediaPipe's Face Mesh.
Web synthesizer with face tracking control
MediaPipeのFaceMesh検出を用いて、虹彩部分に写輪眼(©NARUTO -ナルト-)を表示するプログラム
#人脸识别#React PD-Meter App (measures distance between pupils) with MediaPipe Face Mesh - internship project (2023)