YOLO5Face: Why Reinventing a Face Detector (https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.12931) ECCV Workshops 2022)
Automatic 3D Character animation using Pose Estimation and Landmark Generation techniques
Unofficial PyTorch implementation of BlazeFace
翻译 - BlazeFace的非官方PyTorch实现
#人脸识别#Reatime Face Recognizer on Android
#人脸识别#End-to-end face detection and recognition system using PaddlePaddle.
#人脸识别#深度学习,CV 例子项目,人体部分,包含:姿势骨架、手势骨架、姿势识别、手势识别、面部侦测等等
#人脸识别#Python scripts to detect faces in Python with the BlazeFace Tensorflow Lite models
#计算机科学#The purpose of this project is to apply mediapipe to more AI chips.
Unofficial Pytorch implementation of 🔥BlazeFace🔥
#人脸识别#Tensorflow 2 BlazeFace implementation from scratch with complete training pipeline
A demo show how to inference blazeface model on Rockchip RV1126.
#人脸识别#The smallest ever JavaScript library for Head Position and Facial Keypoints.
Detecting faces with TensorFlow.js
An app using TensorFlow.js as Web Components.
#人脸识别#a simple face recognition with Tensorflow Blazeface model built with JavaScript ES6+ and Tensorflow.js
Full-stack SaaS application. We provide small businesses with all the data they need to ensure mask usage compliance.
An Angular App