Real-Time and Accurate Full-Body Multi-Person Pose Estimation&Tracking System
翻译 - 实时准确的多人姿势估计与跟踪系统
#计算机科学#Code repo for realtime multi-person pose estimation in CVPR'17 (Oral)
#计算机科学#The project is an official implementation of our CVPR2019 paper "Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation"
#计算机科学#Deep Pose Estimation implemented using Tensorflow with Custom Architectures for fast inference.
翻译 - 使用Tensorflow和自定义架构实现深度姿势估计,以进行快速推理。
#计算机科学#Sandbox for training deep learning networks
翻译 - 用于训练卷积网络以实现计算机视觉的沙箱
#计算机科学#The project is an official implement of our ECCV2018 paper "Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking(https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.06208)"
翻译 - 该项目是ECCV2018论文“用于人体姿态估计和跟踪的简单基准(https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.06208)”的正式实施。
Official implementation of CVPR2020 paper "VIBE: Video Inference for Human Body Pose and Shape Estimation"
翻译 - CVPR2020文件“ VIBE:用于人体姿势和形状估计的视频推理”的正式实施
#Awesome#A collection of awesome resources in Human Pose estimation.
#计算机科学#Fast and accurate human pose estimation in PyTorch. Contains implementation of "Real-time 2D Multi-Person Pose Estimation on CPU: Lightweight OpenPose" paper.
[CVPR'22] ICON: Implicit Clothed humans Obtained from Normals
Human Pose Estimation Related Publication
#计算机科学#Official implementation of "OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Temporal Association" in PyTorch.
翻译 - 在PyTorch中正式实现“ PifPaf:用于人体姿势估计的复合字段”。
A PyTorch toolkit for 2D Human Pose Estimation.
#安卓# 💃 Real-time single person pose estimation for Android and iOS.
翻译 - :dancer:针对Android和iOS的实时单人姿势估计。
Real-time pose estimation accelerated with NVIDIA TensorRT
翻译 - NVIDIA TensorRT加快了实时姿势估计
#计算机科学#⚡️The spatial perception framework for rapidly building smart robots and spaces
This is an official pytorch implementation of Lite-HRNet: A Lightweight High-Resolution Network.
#计算机科学#Official PyTorch implementation of "Camera Distance-aware Top-down Approach for 3D Multi-person Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image", ICCV 2019