OpenMMLab Pose Estimation Toolbox and Benchmark.
翻译 - OpenMMLab姿势估计工具箱和基准。
#计算机科学#The project is an official implementation of our CVPR2019 paper "Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation"
#计算机科学#Implementation of various human pose estimation models in pytorch on multiple datasets (MPII & COCO) along with pretrained models
#计算机科学#[IJCAI 2022] Code for the paper "Dite-HRNet: Dynamic Lightweight High-Resolution Network for Human Pose Estimation"
[ICCV 2021] Official PyTorch Code for "Online Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Pose Estimation"
Filter multiple pose datasets (coco, flic, lsp, mpii, ai_challenge)
Lightweight mobile humanpose estimation project
this project is able to detect length of both arms and shoulder to neck distance on a image and video using MPII trained model weights with human pose estimation technique
Human Body Joints estimation for torch7
POSCOict AI 인턴쉽 Team B AI 기반 모션인식을 통한 자세교정솔루션