#计算机科学#Official implementation of DeepLabCut: Markerless pose estimation of user-defined features with deep learning for all animals incl. humans
翻译 - 通过对包括人类在内的所有动物进行深度学习,对用户定义特征进行无标记姿势估计
#计算机科学#computer vision and sports
#计算机科学#Image Test Time Augmentation with PyTorch!
🔥SLAM, VIsual localization, keypoint detection, Image matching, Pose/Object tracking, Depth/Disparity/Flow Estimation, 3D-graphic, etc. related papers and code
Four landmark detection algorithms, implemented in PyTorch.
#计算机科学#Multi-person Human Pose Estimation with HRNet in Pytorch
"Learning Delicate Local Representations for Multi-Person Pose Estimation" (ECCV 2020 Spotlight) & (COCO 2019 Human Keypoint Detection Challenge Winner) & (COCO 2019 Best Paper Award)
The official PyTorch Implementation of RTM3D and KM3D for Monocular 3D Object Detection
#人脸识别#Papers for CNN, object detection, keypoint detection, semantic segmentation, medical image processing, SLAM, etc.
KeypointNet: A Large-scale 3D Keypoint Dataset Aggregated from Numerous Human Annotations (CVPR2020)
#计算机科学#Multi-person Human Pose Estimation with HigherHRNet in Pytorch, with TensorRT support
#计算机科学#Fast and accurate Human Pose Estimation using ShelfNet with PyTorch
#计算机科学#How to Train a Custom Keypoint Detection Model with PyTorch (Article on Medium)
2023年西交利物浦大学动云科技GMaster战队yolo 装甲板四点模型,能量机关五点模型,区域赛视觉识别板目标检测
#计算机科学#2D keypoint detection with Pytorch Lightning and wandb
Count pushups from video/webcam. Tech stack: Keypoint detection, BlazePose, action recognition.
DALF is a joint image keypoint detector and descriptor for handling non-rigid deformations. It also works great under large rotations.
#计算机科学#YOLOv8 object detection, tracking, image segmentation and pose estimation app using Ultralytics API (for detection, segmentation and pose estimation), as well as DeepSORT (for tracking) in Python. Thi...
#计算机科学#[IJCAI 2022] Code for the paper "Dite-HRNet: Dynamic Lightweight High-Resolution Network for Human Pose Estimation"