Dashboard starter using NextUI V2 and Nextjs.
Better cover image generator tool for Medium, YouTube, BiliBili, Blog and many others
A web app for exploring movies, tv shows and anime built with Remix and NextUI
TTS Azure Web 是一个 Azure 文本转语音(TTS)网页应用,可以在本地或者云端使用你的 Azure Key 一键部署。TTS Azure Web is an Azure Text-to-Speech (TTS) web application. It allows you to run it locally or deploy it with a single click usi...
Landing page for any SaaS company, using Nextjs and NextUI
A Next.js 14 with app directory template pre-configured with HeroUI (v2) and Tailwind CSS.
Full-stack Next.js 14 application. Uses React 18 client & server components, TypeScript, Prisma ORM, Railway PostgreSQL database, NextAuth.js OAuth 2.0 authentication, OpenAI API GPT-3.5-Turbo, and St...
Create striking covers effortlessly with our easy-to-use IMaker.
Dashboard sample using NextUI and NextJS
🧲 A modern BitTorrent indexer, powered by Bitmagnet - 一个更现代的磁力搜索列表程序,由 Bitmagnet 强力驱动
The most advanced visual novel patch resource website in the world at the moment! Free forever! 开源, 免费, 零门槛, 纯手写, 最先进的 Galgame 补丁资源下载站, 永远免费!
Best practices for NextUI, The repository is being refined
NextUI v2.4.6 Dashboard with React
Bento portfolio made with React.js, Next 14, NextUI, Tailwind, Motion One
A Next.js 14 with pages directory template pre-configured with HeroUI (v2) and Tailwind CSS.
Elevate your projects with seamless GraphQL integration
My Next.js (without app directory) Boilerplate with Pocketbase Backend.