The most advanced visual novel patch resource website in the world at the moment! Free forever! 开源, 免费, 零门槛, 纯手写, 最先进的 Galgame 补丁资源下载站, 永远免费!
This template is for creating a monorepo with Turborepo, shadcn/ui, tailwindcss v4, and react v19.
✌ An open-source app using Next.js 13 & Cohere API. Midudev January Hackathon 2023.
Unsplash app built by the latest version of Next.js
My boilerplate using NextJS 14, Turbopack, tRPC, Tanstack, and Prisma
Next.js 14 / ChakraUI / Turbopack | SST.
A website for a Sunday school project of mine, made with Next.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL and Tailwind CSS.
Repository containing the client for Embloy-Core and associated services.
An interactive mapping application that showcases my client portfolio and professional journey
Minimalistic fullstack boilerplate to quick-start Next.js development in TypeScript, optimized for blazing-fast performance with Bun & Turbopack 🚀
Next.js + Turbopack App Directory Playground
Simplified-Chinese Documentation of Turbo. Turbo 中文文档