A self-hosted web radio management suite, including turnkey installer tools for the full radio software stack and a modern, easy-to-use web app to manage your stations.
翻译 - 一个自托管的网络广播管理套件,包括用于完整广播软件堆栈的交钥匙安装程序工具和一个现代,易于使用的网络应用程序,用于管理您的电台。
#网络爬虫#Node.js library to receive live stream events (comments, gifts, etc.) in realtime from TikTok LIVE.
#网络爬虫#Java implementation of TikTok-Live-Connector library. Receive live stream events (comments, gifts, etc.) in realtime from TikTok LIVE.
Code and handouts for my JetBrains webcast recorded January 30, 2018
Wlitsoft - WebCast - 基于 Maven 构建的 Java 示例
WebCast 基于 Maven 的 Spring MVC 示例 已迁移 https://github.com/Wlitsoft/WebCast-Maven-JavaDemo
Tiny webcasts for lecture(r)s
WebCast 基于 Maven 的 Spring MVC 无 web 配置文件示例 已迁移 https://github.com/Wlitsoft/WebCast-Maven-JavaDemo
WebCast 基于 Maven 的 Spring 示例 已迁移 https://github.com/Wlitsoft/WebCast-Maven-JavaDemo
SharePoint Framework (SPFx) GA - WebCast