A self-hosted web radio management suite, including turnkey installer tools for the full radio software stack and a modern, easy-to-use web app to manage your stations.
翻译 - 一个自托管的网络广播管理套件,包括用于完整广播软件堆栈的交钥匙安装程序工具和一个现代,易于使用的网络应用程序,用于管理您的电台。
Mission Planner Ground Control Station for ArduPilot (c# .net)
翻译 - 任务计划者地面控制站(c#.net)
Discord: https://discord.gg/yogs13 Forums: https://forums.yogstation.net
Arduino Uno, 433MhzRx and OS WMR86 Weather Station
This is an Android App for Women or any Female, which Will Call to an Emergency number, based on a specific voice command like "Help" . It will also send SMS with current GPS coordinates to those numb...
📻 Using Software Designed Radio to transmit & receive FM signal
MagicMirror module to display public transport in Berlin and Brandenburg with BVG Hafas data.
All-in-one open-source utility for SDR-based satellite tracking. All you need to establish your own ground station with your equipment.
🚅 This Project allows a user to view live train times in the format of a station departure board
📻 An Audio Streaming Application written in JavaScript
A micro WiFi class that supports the two LAN wireless interfaces (AP&STA) and manages many automatized methods, for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32)
Repository for OracleStation SS13 project
Magic Mirror Module for UK rail information. Returns departure info about a SPECIFIED UK rail station.
#时序数据库#Command line script and Python package to get weather and hydrologic time-series from Internet services.
42 school get next line tester - 2022
#下载器#Display Synology Download Station tasks on MagicMirror.