Open Source Soldering Iron firmware
翻译 - 小型软件为TS100 iron提供的功能强大的备用开源开源固件。
STM32 Based soldering station for JBC cartridges, 9-24 VDC and USB-PD power
Custom firmware for Quicko and KSGER T12 soldering stations
A tool to flash ironos to the pinecil soldering iron and possibly other pine64 devices in the future
UI for Pinecil V2 - control it over BLE from your PC or your mobile.
Complete soldering course for beginners and advanced.
Litl is an easy to build 40% keyboard using only through hole components.
A DIY soldering controller for JBC T245 handle & C245 tips
General purpose power controller, capable of driving soldering irons using different voltages and probe types.
Enclosure and Circuit Board for the Solder Ninja Pen
Reflow Controller with Detachable Hotplate
The soldering controller for hakko 907 with lcd screen
A feature-rich reflow Hot-Plate firmware i.e. usable for "Tim's Hot Plate" (
Thermocouple based, ESP32 driven PID-controller software for SMD reflow soldering
This repo contains all the files of my Arduino Nano based Reflow Oven PID Controller for reflow smd soldering.