Open Source Soldering Iron firmware
翻译 - 小型软件为TS100 iron提供的功能强大的备用开源开源固件。
Handlebars middleware for Iron web framework
🐳 OpenJDK JRE or JDK (8, 11, 17, 21) with Node.js 18 LTS (Hydrogen), Node.js 20 LTS (Iron) or Node.js 22 LTS (Jod) Docker image
🐳 Ruby 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4 with Node.js 18 LTS (Hydrogen), Node.js 20 LTS (Iron) or Node.js 22 LTS (Jod) Docker image
HMM-based identification and categorization of iron genes and iron gene operons in genomes and metagenomes
🐳 Node.js 18 LTS (Hydrogen), Node.js 20 (Iron) or Node.js 22 LTS (Iron) and Git Docker image
全网稳定性最高,0损耗ETH/ETC中转工具,以太坊中转矿池转发代理,以太经典中转矿池转发代理 ,实时观察算力,可以与同类软件进行比较测试,极致优化CPU和内存永不掉线,作者抽水恒定0.1%,不开抽水无开发者,独家加密 和抽水机制,web管理界面可显示矿机详细数据,支持ssl加密协议,跨池抽水,精准统计矿机所有数据,大客户需要TCP可在tg群 单独开发版本!
🐳 Node.js Node.js LTS 18 (Hydrogen), Node.js 20 LTS (Iron) or Node.js 22 LTS (Jod) and Chromium stable Docker image
A sample REST API in Rust, using Docker, Iron, Diesel and Postgres
The Iron programming language
A platform for targeted annotation of (meta)genomic and (meta)transcriptomic datasets using HMM sets.
Develop a Hugo website and automatically publish a Helm Chart using just GitHub.
A repository template to start your new Go project on GitHub, batteries included.