Open Source Soldering Iron firmware
翻译 - 小型软件为TS100 iron提供的功能强大的备用开源开源固件。
Bluetooth LE temperature controller for the 946C electronic hot plate
Configuration Tool for Vape Battery Mods with Arcticfox Firmware. ☁️ 🔧 Works on MacOS and Linux.
Multi Channel Configurable PID regulator on M5Stack Core
Arduino OLED Rlelay and DS18B20 to control heater element of a 3D printing Filament dryer.
Temperature controller for homebrewers & hackers
A simple device monitoring tool for e-cigarettes with Evolv DNA chipset ☁️ 📈 Works with macOS and Linux
Fundamental continuous and discrete-time signals and their implementations using Matrix laboratory. Concepts include CTS, DTS, Amplitude modulation, Amplitude demodulation, Double sideband suppressed ...
A simple device monitoring tool for vape battery mods with Arcticfox firmware. ☁️ 📈 Works on macOS and Linux.
TuYa TS0601: Home Assistant automation for more accurate temperature control leveraging an external temperature sensor
A list of serial commands for Evolv DNA devices ☁️
A Nest-like intelligent thermostat implementation for the Raspberry Pi
Versatile multi-sensor temperature controller
Raspberry Pi PID temperature controller with web interface for electric BBQ smokers written in Python
Control Raspberry Pi case fan on/off using CPU temperature
Yet another homebrewing control system. Free as in freedom to make free beer.
Thermoelectric module temperature stabilizer. HARDWARE part.
Python driver and command-line tool for Watlow EZ-Zone temperature controllers.
PID Loop routine for Temperature Control for Arduino
Universal remote climate monitoring and management system for greenhouses and indoor grow operations.