electronic Hydrometer
翻译 - 电子比重计
The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules; Life Cycle Assessment; Chemical Process Simulation Under Uncertainty
Hardware and software for accessible, extensible, and scalable bioreactors. Built on Raspberry Pi.
#计算机科学#Computational synthetic biology: Predicting DNA edits for bioengineering
iSpindle replacement firmware for beer brewing/fermenting
Wireless hydrometer with an ESP32 powered by MicroPython
Beer brewing and fermentation control for homebrewers with a nice web UI for 25 bucks.
Raspberry Pi powered beer brewing software. Supports mashing and fermentation. Works with smartphone, iPad, Mac, & PC.
Raspberry Pi (or clone) and Arduino/ESP32 powered smart still controller system. Designed around the Still Spirits T500 column and boiler, but can be easily added to any other gas or electric still wi...
Worlds easiest and cheapest to build brewing control. Supports mashing and fermentation. Combine multiple Bricks to control higher wattages or different functions (heating, cooling, pumps). Works with...
Versatile multi-sensor temperature controller
Calculates fermentation Specific Gravity from tilt angle of floating sensor
Python software that is aimed to run on a Raspberry Pi to read data from Tilt Hydrometer and store it in Firebase Database
Allows a Philips Hue color lightbulb to change its color depending on the progress of a beer's fermentation using the data supplied by a Tilt Hydrometer.
Convert a fridge into a beer brewing fermenter with an ESP32 powered by MicroPython
The Pseudobatch transformation is a method to easy analysis of measurement from a fed-batch fermentation process. After transformation, the data can be analysed as if it was obtained from a batch ferm...
Yet another homebrewing control system. Free as in freedom to make free beer.
BrewMon aims to provide a customizable monitoring for beer fermentation with BrewPi and iSpindel