This recipe is dedicated to helping you make the best possible pizza dough for Neapolitan pizza.
翻译 - 此食谱致力于帮助您为那不勒斯比萨制作最好的比萨面团。
Hardware and software for accessible, extensible, and scalable bioreactors. Built on Raspberry Pi.
The consensus GEM for Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Algorithm for round cells identification in the brightfield microscopy images.
Official and maintained implementation of the dataset paper "The TYC Dataset for Understanding Instance-Level Semantics and Motions of Cells in Microstructures" [ICCVW 2023].
An automated method to map yeast variants to proteins modifications and functional regions
GitHub Repository associated with the piQTL project (Mapping effects of genome-wide genetic variation to protein-protein interactions reveals molecular mechanisms of complex traits) [ Serohijos & Mic...
HMM for annotating coding regions of DNA in S. cerevisiae chromosome III
Collection of scripts for improving lipid constraints in yeast-GEM
#计算机科学#An open source predictive model of protein expression in yeast, written in Python.
Scripts to download the PacBio, ONT and MiSeq datasets used in and run the pipelines as described in the paper or simply download the final assemblie...