This recipe is dedicated to helping you make the best possible pizza dough for Neapolitan pizza.
翻译 - 此食谱致力于帮助您为那不勒斯比萨制作最好的比萨面团。
🍕 This is a project to identify your next open source contribution.
🍕 Modern OSS Order Management System for Pizza Restaurants
翻译 - :pizza:披萨餐厅的现代OSS订单管理系统
#编辑器#My initial attempt at trying to order pizza from within vim.
🍕The site that recommends the hottest projects on GitHub.
A framework for training segmentation models in pytorch on labelme annotations with pretrained examples of skin, cat, and pizza topping segmentation
Discover open-source projects on GitHub relevant to your skills (with ai).
#安卓#A (semi) realistic chomping progress view that takes bites out of your delicious images! Nom! Nom!
Pizza delivery full stack web app build on top of MERN stack🍕🍔🍟 with custom pizza builder
🍕 Order a pizza in a CLI app (just for fun!)
翻译 - :pizza:在CLI应用程序中订购比萨饼(只是为了好玩!)
🎲🍕 The Terraform plugin for the Dominos Pizza provider