STM32 Based soldering station for JBC cartridges, 9-24 VDC and USB-PD power
UI for Pinecil V2 - control it over BLE from your PC or your mobile.
Enclosure and Circuit Board for the Solder Ninja Pen
Alternative firmware for ESP32 based Feizer PTS200 soldering iron. Full asynchronous non-blocking code using RTOS threads and events
A better firmware for "Pen Solder V3" soldering irons with USB-C using Hakko T12 tips
Soldering Station Controller using Hakko FX-888 handpiece
TRCA-PTS200 ESP32-S2 based firmware for Pen Solider with tips T12/T100
Enclosure and Circuit Board for the Solder Ninja Tweezers
Atmel Based Hakko907 Soldering Iron with 16x2 LCD
The PCB board of a portable Soldering iron with temperature display and increment-decrement switchs