#效率工具集合#A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output
翻译 - git和diff输出的查看器
Log file navigator
翻译 - 日志文件导航器
Github fork of Christian Bach's tablesorter plugin + awesomeness ~
Unix pager (with very rich functionality) designed for work with tables. Designed for PostgreSQL, but MySQL is supported too. Works well with pgcli too. Can be used as CSV or TSV viewer too. It suppor...
翻译 - 设计用于表的Unix寻呼机。专为PostgreSQL设计,但也支持MySQL。现在,它可以用作CSV或TSV查看器。
a simple and usefull cycle pager view ,and auto scroll banner view(轮播图) ,include pageControl for iOS,support Objective-C and swift
🎑Feature-rich terminal-based text viewer. It is a so-called terminal pager.
page scroll view and controller,simple,high custom,and have many tabBar styles,,support Objective-C and swift
Library for easily paging through any IEnumerable/IQueryable in ASP.NET
#安卓#Android LiquidSwipe Library
Moar is a pager. It's designed to just do the right thing without any configuration.
#前端开发#a user-friendly pager for grep
#前端开发#a user-friendly pager for grep
#安卓#Reanimated 2 powered gallery implementation
#安卓#Compose Multiplatform views, in to Android, Web, Desktop, iOS: Pager, Banner, Indicator, Refresh Layout, Flow Layout, Menu Floating Action Button, Pull To Refresh, Chain Scrollable Component, Scrollab...