Serverless, peer-to-peer, local file sharing through sound
翻译 - 通过声音进行无服务器,对等,本地文件共享
🔮 Secure direct video group chat
A holistic way of understanding how WebRTC and its protocols run in practice, with code and detailed documentation.
File sharing flutter webrtc app enabling sending files to any device from anywhere
Laplace is an open-source project to enable screen sharing directly via browser. Based on WebRTC for low latency peer-to-peer connections, and WebSocket implemented in golang for signaling.
RTCMultiConnection server (npm install rtcmulticonnection-server)
Video chat using webRTC and react
🟢 Call-Me: Your Go-To for Instant Video Calls!
NextRTC is simple WebRTC signaling server written in java. It provides signal exchange and easy to integrate API
🤝Rails implementation of a WebRTC Signaling Server
FastoCloud COMMUNITY version
A video chat app demonstration using Hotwire and Ruby on Rails
Serverless WebRTC Signaling Server only works for WebRTC P2P.
WebRTC Peer-to-Peer Communication JS Client SDK
💻 회의와 기록을 한번에 📝
WebRTC Chat Custom Signaling Server using Spring Boot
A WebRTC signaling server with support of MQTT and WebSocket as transport protocols, token based authentication (JSON Web Token) and external policy based authorization.