The fastest and most memory efficient lattice Boltzmann CFD software, running on all GPUs and CPUs via OpenCL. Free for non-commercial use.
Curated list of some open source codes employing lattice Boltzmann methods
A simple full-python 2D lattice-boltzmann code
The C++ version code of Lattice Boltzmann Method Fundamentals and Engineering Applications with Computer Codes
MF-LBM: A Portable, Scalable and High-performance Lattice Boltzmann Code for DNS of Flow in Porous Media
#计算机科学#3D CNN to predict single-phase flow velocity fields
Lattice Boltzmann Method Implementation in MATLAB for Curved Boundaries
Public-facing repository for the open-source project Lattice-Boltzmann @ The University of Manchester (LUMA).
Modeling of droplet dynamics using multi-phase lattice Boltzmann method
The ultimate open-source, feature-rich image library geared with a rich set of image codecs, image extraction, and image manipulation utility functions.
The ultimate open-source, feature-rich image library geared with a rich set of image codecs, image extraction, and image manipulation utility functions.
Simulation of a Sedimentation of Sphere under gravity using Multidomain method of Lattice Boltzmann Method