MFCC-based LipSync plug-in for Unity using Job System and Burst Compiler
Extremely fast LINQ aggregation operations implementation optimized by Burst Compiler
Vertex animation with C# Job System and new Mesh API
Unity project showcasing A* pathfinding, fully jobified & burst compiled. It also contains examples of RaycastCommand and BoxcastCommand that are used to build the grid, as well as another example of ...
Benchmarks to compare .NET and and Unity's Burst compiler.
Fully Destructible GPU Compute Volumetric Terrain Generator in Unity HDRP
A Unity package for simulating shallow water flows with Lattice Boltzmann methods.
An example to compare performance of Unity Burst compiler vs natively compiled code imported as plugin
Micro helper library for Unity's Job System
A C# implementation of voxlap-style rendering, using Unity and their Burst compiler
2D noise generation, processing and meshing using Unity Jobs and Burst
Fast Mesh Skinning on the CPU using Linear Blend (LBS) and Dual Quaternion (DQS) utilizing the Unity Jobs system and Burst compilation
Support for Generic, Burst compiled Jobs through automatic code analysis and generation
Datatypes and utilities for working with Unity's Burst compiler. Eases implementation of more complex multithreaded algorithms and simplifies usage of coroutines with unsafe Burst jobs. For advanced u...
Fixed float math arithmetic and geometric operations in Unity projects.
fast c# entity component system that uses burst and job systems by default.
Realtime implicit surface triangulation
Beyond the Wall - SGA and Unity Game Jam 1st prize