A tool designed to shorten steps needed to import and optimize models into VRChat. Compatible models are: MMD, XNALara, Mixamo, DAZ/Poser, Blender Rigify, Sims 2, Motion Builder, 3DS Max and potential...
d4rkpl4y3r's VRChat Avatar 3.0 optimizer
Modular OSC program creator, toolkit, and router made for VRChat. Show your heartrate, time, hardware stats, speech to text, control Spotify, and more! Includes drag-and-drop prefabs for your avatar.
This is the source code for VRCFury. For information, visit vrcfury.com
Create smooth parameters that mimic IK Sync for OSC or general use.
The ultimate companion, whether you're on desktop or in VR, we've got you covered with our handy integrations in a compact and modern UI
VRChat OSC tool to move a player in the direction of a stretched Physbone.
Variety of Scripts and Tools for improving Unity workflow, usually focused on VRChat.
This is the source code for OscGoesBrrr. For information, visit osc.toys
Compilation of VRC UdonSharp scripts and prefabs to assist VRChat world builders
A free self-hosted STT for VRChat
A SpeechToText application that uses OpenAI's whisper via faster-whisper to transcribe audio and send that information to VRChats textbox system and/or KillFrenzyAvatarText over OSC. Also supports var...
A fully featured app for connecting bluetooth sex toys to your VRChat avatar!
Create new expressions for your VRC avatar without doing all the tedious work! Skip the balancing act of handling parameters, layers, transitions, conditions, etc, and just make cool stuff!
OSC program that makes SteamVR controller actions, Tracker button actions and XInput actions accessible as Avatar Parameters.
Make Unity prettier ✨ A free, open-source, and redistributable post-processing stack for Unity and VRChat. 🌈
Easily create a VRChat avatar menu with modular avatars