Day.js 是一个轻量的处理时间和日期的 JavaScript 库,和 Moment.js 的 API 设计保持完全一样,是Moment.js 的 2kB 轻量化方案
Abstraction over common javascript date management libraries
⏰ Day.js webpack plugin for Ant Design
Pure Angular 2+ date range picker with material design theme, a demo here:
vue 中后台系统解决方案- a solution for vue middle or background system
Svelte component and action to format a timestamp using day.js
vue web template and base. With basic pages, examples, and complete configuration, you can use it immediately after fork. If it helps you, give me a star。
MoniQL is an open source monitoring and visualizing tool for PostgreSQL databases. MoniQL allows you to set timed queries that will return alerts to notify you of anomalous data--however you define it...
A React library (including useDateInput/useDateRange hooks) to help compose a Date Picker/Calendar around your components
React Quiz (Fullstack Open Source Quiz Application)
App where you can create, delete, and edit your invoices. Don't have your invoice ready? No problem! You can create a draft and edit it later! Too many invoices? Filter them! Maybe the status of your ...
Day.js plugin to add support for calculating dates only accounting for Business days