High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without co...
翻译 - 高性能和SEO友好的惰性加载程序,用于图像(响应和正常),iframe等,可检测用户交互,CSS或JavaScript触发的可见性更改,而无需进行配置。
A Vue.js plugin for lazyload your Image or Component in your application.
LazyLoad is a lightweight, flexible script that speeds up your website by deferring the loading of your below-the-fold images, backgrounds, videos, iframes and scripts to when they will enter the view...
🔥 Highly performant, light ~1kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for responsive images, iframes and more
翻译 - pure纯JS中的高性能,轻量级〜1kb且可配置的延迟加载程序,无需依赖于响应图像,iframe等
Lazy load your component, image or anything matters the performance.
React Component to lazy load images and components using a HOC to track window scroll position.
A fast, flexible, and small SEO-friendly lazy loader.
翻译 - 快速,灵活且小型的SEO友好型惰性加载程序。
Lazy load responsive images and HTML
A lightweight, fast, feature-rich, powerful and highly configurable delayed content, image and background lazy loading plugin for jQuery & Zepto.
🐌 Vue.js 2.x 组件级懒加载方案-Vue.js 2.x component level lazy loading solution
🌅 React lazy load images with IntersectionObserver API and Priority Hints
翻译 - with使用IntersectionObserver API和优先级提示来响应惰性加载图像
🪧 Universal lazy loading library for placeholder images leveraging native browser APIs
Performance optimization plugin for WordPress
A JavaScript library to load images progressively 🌇
React component to lazyload children with a nice fadein effect.
😴 gandul! accessible lazy loading images
翻译 - 😴甘杜尔!可访问的延迟加载图像