Browser API's turned into declarative React components and HoC's
翻译 - 浏览器API已变成声明式React组件和HoC
A React Higher Order Component (HOC) for handling Authentication and Authorization with Routing and Redux
React Component to lazy load images and components using a HOC to track window scroll position.
#Awesome#Awesome list of React components with render props
↔️ Hoc to easily map window sizes to props.
Declarative WebAssembly instantiation for React
翻译 - 用于React的声明性WebAssembly实例
⌛ A React primitive for building slim progress bars.
Feature Flags for React made easy with hooks, HOC and Render Props
⚛ A set of React higher-order components utilities. Drop-in replacement for recompose.
Password protect your Next.js projects.
tiny, flexible, HOC for rendering route breadcrumbs with react-router v4 & 5
React "Shallow Equal" HOC implementation to optimize shouldComponentUpdate with children / React elements 🐇➰
Example Project & Guide for mastering Promises in Node/JavaScript. Feat. proposed 'Functional River' pattern
Next.js HOC to integrate Google Analytics on every page change
DEPRECATED. HOC-based Spatial Navigation. NEW Hooks version is available here:
Material UI table with local or remote data-source. Featuring filtering, sorting, free-text search, export to CSV locally, and aggregations.