西瓜播放器是一个Web视频播放器类库,它本着一切都是组件化的原则设计了独立可拆卸的 UI 组件。更重要的是它不只是在 UI 层有灵活的表现,在功能上也做了大胆的尝试:摆脱视频加载、缓冲、格式支持对 video 的依赖。尤其是在 mp4 点播上做了较大的努力,让本不支持流式播放的 mp4 能做到分段加载,这就意味着可以做到清晰度无缝切换、加载控制、节省视频流量。同时,它也集成了对 flv、hls、dash 的点播和直播支持。
HTML5 <audio> or <video> player with support for MP4, WebM, and MP3 as well as HLS, Dash, YouTube, Facebook, SoundCloud and others with a common HTML5 MediaElement API, enabling a consistent UI in all...
翻译 - HTML5 <audio>或<video>播放器,支持MP4,WebM和MP3以及HLS,Dash,YouTube,Facebook,SoundCloud和其他具有通用HTML5 MediaElement API的播放器,从而在所有浏览器中实现一致的UI。
🎬 An extensible media player for the web.
翻译 - :clapper:Web的可扩展媒体播放器。
A React-based web video player
翻译 - 基于React的网络视频播放器
a video player framework aims to bring wonderful experience on browser
The HTML5 video player for Angular 2
翻译 - Angular 2的HTML5视频播放器
Lightweight HTML5 video/audio player with smooth controls and ability to play VAST/VPAID/VMAP ads
🎬 A simple and easy-to-use h5 video player with highly customizable UI and rich features. / 简单易用的h5播放器,UI 高度定制化,功能丰富。
Plugins for the main mediaelement project
⚡ Another HTM5 video player.
The HTML5 video player for Angular 2 and successor to videogular2
Sample media files (MP4, WebM, Ogv, MP3, etc.) for the MediaElement.js library
A vue hls video player plugin using video.js 7
Core components of the Clappr player architecture
An HTML5 danmaku video player for real-time image processing using WebGl and Web Components.融合了webgl和web components的实时图像处理弹幕播放器
Online synchronized video player / chat app crudely hacked together for fun :shipit:
Pluggable JavaScript web player
A modern, theme aware video player for html videos.
HTML5 video player component for Vue.js