Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required.
翻译 - Sortable —是一个JavaScript库,用于在现代浏览器和触摸设备上对拖放列表进行重新排序。不需要jQuery。支持Meteor,AngularJS,React,Polymer,Vue,Ember,Knockout和任何CSS库,例如引导程序。
The modern, lightweight, performant, accessible and extensible drag & drop toolkit for React.
The sophisticated Drag and Drop library you've been waiting for 🥳
Gijgo - Free Javascript Controls
A drag and drop🤜🫳library for Vue 3🌿
Drag & Drop for Angular - based on HTML5 with no external dependencies. 🎉
A javascript library to give file dropping super-powers to any HTML element.
A simple drag and drop library for React which uses the more stable mouseDown/mouseUp event pattern instead of the problematic HTML5 drag and drop API
An agnostic set of libraries implementing draggable, droppable, sortable and resizable behaviors inspired by the jQuery UI implementation
Easily manipulate drag and drop in Electron
jQuery UI interactions draggable/droppable/sortable for Svelte
A beautiful drag-and-drop app using Next.js v13.4, React Beautiful DND, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS for modern, seamless interactions
Drop files anywhere on your web page. Based on jQuery.
Draggable, Droppable, and Sortable components for React
implement draggable and droppable concepts using jquery ui.
🍒 A simple and powerful DnD library based on HTML5 drag and drop API
Provides a field that allows for clicking and dragging of shortcodes into a textarea