Fast, dependency-free Go package to infer binary file types based on the magic numbers header signature
翻译 - 小型,无依赖,快速的Go程序包,可基于幻数签名来推断二进制文件类型
Small crate to infer file and MIME type by checking the magic number signature
File format determination library for Python
Crate for determining the file format of a given file or stream
Infer file and MIME type by checking the magic number signature » Ruby » MagicNumberType infers a data type from the data's leading bytes
The magic number 0x5F3759DF in Python3 Fast Inverse SquareRoot
.NET File header validator against received file extension
A Flutter package to detect file types based on their magic number instead of MIME types. Supports Flutter on mobile, desktop, and web without native code.
Perform file type checking using the magic numbers
Magic tricks for C# libraries
Play Tic Tac Toe with a twist: achieve a sum of 15 across rows, columns, or diagonals to win! This Python game features interactive gameplay where X and O compete to reach the magic number first.
The library for detecting the type of file based on file header signature (magic number). Implementation for .NET Standard 2.0.
This repository contains a replica of Miller Magic Number experiment
Inspect the HTTP cache of browsers or online game clients and preview image or audio assets of different formats using their file signatures.