A fast Golang library for media type and file extension detection, based on magic numbers
File format determination library for Python
🗂 Swift MIME type checking based on magic bytes
This is a general purpose Swift library for a concept of typed treatment for Media Types. We use this library on clients and servers to speak the same dialect and to enjoy all the comfort strong types...
Find the mime type of files, examining file, filename and declared type
Detects file type by filename or content and generates correct mimetype.
Library to work with MimeHeaders and other mime types. Library supports wildcards and parameters.
Pure python mimesniff implementation of https://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org
React Native utility library around image and video files for getting metadata like MIME type, timestamp, duration, and dimensions. Works on iOS and Android using Java and Obj-C, instead of Node 🚀.
PHP library to get MIME types from extensions
MimeType, provides a convenient way to work with MIME types in C#. It defines a set of properties for each MIME type, allowing you to use properties instead of strings in your code.
This is a Google Apps Script library for converting files from various MIME types to a specified target MIME type. The library accepts both file IDs and blobs as input values.
Creates a base64-encoded data URL from a Buffer and a mimetype.