Create behavioral experiments in a browser using JavaScript
翻译 - 一个JavaScript库,用于在网络浏览器中创建和运行行为实验
Code and data used to create the examples in "Evidence-based Software Engineering based on the publicly available data"
Online research made easy
A script [js + plotly.js] that guesses your next input no matter how random you try to be
翻译 - 脚本[js + plotly.js]可以猜测您的下一个输入,无论您尝试随机性如何
#计算机科学#Workshop on basic machine learning, computational modeling, psychophysics, basic data analysis and experiment design
#Awesome#An awesome list of psychology courses, videos and books. Please, contribute!
R tools for eyetracker workflows.
Platform-independent lightweight Python library for designing and conducting timing-critical behavioural and neuroimaging experiments
Just Another Tool for Online Studies
Systole: A python package for cardiac signal synchrony and analysis
FACSHuman plugin for MakeHuman project
Attentional mouse tracking. Alternative to online eye tracking. Eye tracking without the eyes!
open-source experiment software for researchers
Python functions to convert E-Prime files to csvs. Not currently being developed, but issues and PRs welcome!
Battery of standard cognitive psychology tasks
🏄 State-of-the-art Tracker for emotions, habits and thoughts. | Gamified. | Anonymous and open source. | Healthiest version of you
#计算机科学#The Tensorflow code and a DeepMind Lab wrapper for my article "Meta-Reinforcement Learning" on FloydHub.
Automatically align face images 🙃→🙂. Can also do windowing and warping.
An R Package and Shiny App for generating matched stimuli for factiorial-design experiments.
ARC-VR is a Unity framework/toolbox intended for the development of psychology studies in VR