Discord bridging plugin for block game https://modrinth.com/plugin/discordsrv
翻译 - 您的母亲警告过您的Minecraft <-> Discord桥插件。https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/discordsrv.18494/
Create Minecraft Leaderboards with PlaceholderAPI and Post it to Discord Via Webhooks or DiscordSRV
A DiscordSRV addon that adds more useful features to the bot
A general purpose chat plugin with lots of fun features.
Automatically give and remove Discord roles from players based on their play time within your Minecraft server.
A spigot plugin to unban people from discord using DiscordSRV
リンク解除コマンドを追加 for DiscordSRV
Displays Discord emoji from DiscordSRV with AmberW's emoji resource pack
オフラインなプレイヤーに定期メッセージを送るプラグイン for Spigot, DiscordSRV