An opinionated collection of components, hooks, and utilities for your Next.js project.
Startup is free Next.js template for SaaS startups comes with all the essential pages, components, and sections you need to launch a complete business website.
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Shadcn UI NextJS Boilerplate ⚡️ Free Open-source ChatGPT UI Admin Dashboard Template - Horizon AI Boilerplate
🚀⚡️ Free Boilerplate and Starter kit for Next.js 14+, Supabase, Tailwind CSS 3.2 and TypeScript. 🚀 Next.js 🔥 Supabase 💻 TypeScript 💚 ESLint 🎨 Prettier 🐶 Husky 🧹 Lint-Staged 🧪 Jest 🧪 Testing ...