✨ Relivator: Next.js 15 React 19 eCommerce Template ▲ Better-Auth Polar Shadcn/UI Tailwind Drizzle ORM TypeScript TS Radix, Postgres Neon, App Router SaaS Commerce eCommerce Shop Pricing Payments Dark...
🚀⚡️ Free Boilerplate and Starter kit for Next.js 14+, Supabase, Tailwind CSS 3.2 and TypeScript. 🚀 Next.js 🔥 Supabase 💻 TypeScript 💚 ESLint 🎨 Prettier 🐶 Husky 🧹 Lint-Staged 🧪 Jest 🧪 Testing ...
#博客#⭐Build SEO optimized personal blog website with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Contentlayer. If you want to learn to create this you can follow the tutorial link given in the Read me file.
💥 One stop shop for eliminating the grunt work of setting up a Tailwind Web App across multiple frameworks. Just type in `npx new-tailwind-app` in your terminal and set up everything instantly.
The Bigspring Nextjs Template Perfect For Creative Agency, Marketing Agency, Design Studios, Digital Marketing Agencies, Saas and other business service websites
🌀 Transform your Styled-Components into TailwindCSS with this handy codemod.
Fullstack TypeScript Next.js Boilerplate with modular architecture with full customization.
Next.js Blog Template with Typescript, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI
Minimal & Highly Customizable NextJs Template for Personal Blog Website
A starter template for modern web development with nextjs 14, tailwindcss, typescript, trpc, clerk auth, and prisma.
myShop is an Ecommerce website.
🎒Dive into my personal website, a captivating blend of experience and boundless creativity. Crafted with Next.js and Chakra UI, it serves as a dynamic canvas for documenting my journey and infusing a...
📈 Minimal next.js boilerplate
My personal website built with Nextjs.
🚀 An open source website project to provide learning path or a roadmap for developer Indonesian
💫The official source code of my portfolio written in nextjs.
BUI: Tailwind based React component library to build back-office platforms 🚀
#计算机科学#OLD PORTFOLIO <> <> <> My personal Website, where I share my blog and project. Build using Nextjs and Tailwind CSS
The Next.js App repository is an all-inclusive, cutting-edge web application development template that showcases the seamless integration of Next.js, Docker, MongoDB, and Tailwind CSS.
initial setup without typescript