The RethinkDNS resolver that deploys to Cloudflare Workers, Deno Deploy, Fastly, and
Run a VPN with global exit nodes with, tailscale and github!
Platform for creating interactive courses.
Build production-ready backends in minutes
Fast reverse proxy on
A real-time collaborative pixel art canvas
A scalable web app features LiveView authentication, user roles and permission system, and secure S3/Wasabi uploads. It calculates file hashes with Erlang crypto library and uses Oban for all most API...
🔖 Run linkding on Backup the bookmark DB to cloud storage with litestream.🖤
A opinionated hypermedia-driven architecture balancing developer experience and performance.
✍ Run memos on Backup the memos DB to cloud storage with litestream.
⚛️ remix + 🐘 prisma app on 🎈 that grabs ycombinator "who's hiring" posts
Fully working client + server, dev + prod setup for Scala.js development, showcasing a bunch of Laminar & Scala.js patterns.
#大语言模型#Chatbot based on Almanac of Naval Ravikant. Uses OpenAI's chat completion API
Typing App built with TypeScript, React, Sass, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, | Inspired by Monkeytype | For learning purposes | Updating this project once in a while as I learn more w...