#区块链#A SDK/library for decentralized web and distributing computing projects
翻译 - 用于分散式网络和分布式计算项目的SDK /库
useR! 2024 Tutorial Slides: Good Software Engineering Practice for R Packages
biostatistical workflows in R covering regression and classification models
Visualize Breast Cancer using GraphXR and Node4j Desktop
Some core CSV files for easy data wrangling
Visualization of VxAfee Design Proposal
RapidMiner Case Study related to Covid-19
The work had been done with Prof. Biswabrata Pradhan, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. A tree-based method for censored survival data is discussed, based on maximizing the difference in...
Data mining files for viewing cancer genomics open data
Crowdsourced Coronavirus vaccine proposal (Mirror)
16748's code for the FTC 2023-2024 season "CENTERSTAGE".
#计算机科学#Differential Gene Expression, Phylogenetic tree, Sequence Alignments, Biostatistics, Bioinformatic
This work introduces a novel methodology to optimize the intensity of data integration in a hypothesis-driven and gene-specific manner.
Open Source Web application for bioinformatics,biologist,data scientist
Introduction to statistical methods in R course from summer 2015/2016 (University of Wroclaw)
Repositório para o grupo de estudos R voltado para o R na área da Saúde.
Bio Statistics R Coding Using Dataset AntiProfilesData Genomics Data Structure Processing.