Models of SEIRS epidemic dynamics with extensions, including network-structured populations, testing, contact tracing, and social distancing.
翻译 - SEIRS流行病动力学模型具有扩展性,包括网络结构的人口,测试,接触者追踪和社会距离。
Stochastic SIR models; adding age-structures and social contact data for the spread of covid-19. Lattice model for identifying and isolating hotspots. This has been further developed into a network(gr...
Info/Data (global/italy) about COVID-19. PR welcome for other countries.
🌏🌎🌍 Liberate Google Takeout location data for epidemiological research and local contact tracing
Data analysis for colorectal cancer projects, mainly using metabolomics data.
Game theoretical modelling of COVID-19 vaccine adoption
Curso Intermediário de R para análise de situação de saúde
Code for paper by Corbett, Schongalla, and Moen, about relationships between firearm ownership rates, mental health provider density, and firearm fatality rates.
Genomic Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Pakistan
Network data analysis using networkx, and gephi for visualisations.
Data analysis and modeling of the COVID-19 propagation dynamics
A SEIRS-NIMFA compartmental epidemiological model implementation adapted for the analysis of IoT network malware propagation
Scripts for analysis of metabolomics data relating to nutrition, health and disease in the EPIC study.
Fitting GPs to count data for non-linear regression of epi-curves
Repositório para o grupo de estudos R voltado para o R na área da Saúde.
An epidemic stimulator, developed and built by brute force to learn more on biological systems.
Inverse probability weighting for non-binary exposures. Simple example in Excel and SAS.