A learning management system (LMS) that lets you run an asynchronous online school, where learning is achieved through focused tasks, directed feedback, an iterative workflow, and community interactio...
翻译 - 一个学习管理系统(LMS),使您可以运行一所异步的在线学校,通过集中的任务,定向反馈,迭代的工作流和社区交互来实现学习。
hacker news mobile app made with reason react
Lightweight image browser
🥫 Reason-style reducer components for React using ES6 classes.
Fullstack Reason + GraphQL Todo List App
A demo project that shows a fullstack ReasonML/OCaml app–native binary + webapp
Zero-cost bindings to Facebook's Recoil library
Server render Reason React components with OCaml natively
React in pure Reason that targets native platforms.
React.js-like reconciler implemented in OCaml
useReducer with updates and side effects!
An example app made with Create React App which introduces a Reason component
An opinionated attempt at finally solving typescript interop for ReasonML / OCaml.