slideshow gems - write your slides / talks / presentations in plain text with markdown formatting conventions
A collection of awesome kramdown goodies for the converter for (structured) text with formatting markup in markdown conventions
Ruby gem converting Word docx files into html or LaTeX via the Kramdown syntax
A Jekyll plugin for fast server-side cached LaTeX rendering, with support for macros. Enjoy the comfort of LaTeX and Markdown without cluttering your site with bloated JavaScript.
ditaa-ditaa is a Jekyll plugin that leverages ditaa to convert diagrams drawn using ascii art into proper bitmap graphics. [Not maintained].
Syntax highlight code with Tree-sitter via Kramdown.
The home of the Red Eclipse website.
kramdown-math-katex uses KaTeX to convert math elements to HTML on the server side
Ruby, Python and Perl based d3pie, Google Charts, Chart.js, plotly.js, Matplotlib and Seaborn charting demonstration 💗 💘 💝 Configurable static site generator 🍩 :dv...
talks starter (s6 blank) - write your talks / presentations / slides in plain text w/ markdown formatting conventions ++ setup uses the jekyll talks theme (using the s6 slideshow templates / machinery...
#博客#personal blog
PlantUML support for Kramdown, the Markdown parser used in Jekyll
kramdown-converter-pdf uses Prawn to convert a kramdown document to PDF
A simple and to-the-point ruby application for compiling/converting books or reports written in Markdown text into HTML, PDF, EPUB, and MOBI formats.
Markdown parser for mermaid.js. An extended Kramdown syntax
Documentation for Red Eclipse, which is included on the website
kramdown-syntax-coderay uses coderay to highlight code blocks/spans
Short custom plugins for Jekyll that don't deserve their own repositories. [Not maintained].