#前端开发#A build system for development of composable software.
翻译 - 在项目之间快速共享和重用组件。
Micro-frontend Architecture in Action-微前端的那些事儿
A nodejs framework to create decoupled and scalable applications
A db proxy for distributed transaction, read write splitting and sharding! Support any language! It can be deployed as a sidecar in a pod.
j8a [ dʒʌbbʌ ] is a modern TLS 1.3 reverse proxy server designed as a lightweight API gateway for REST APIs.
Sample full stack go-microservices application with a Go backend and a Svelte frontend. App runs on docker or Kubernetes
microservices-> .net 8, golang - Docker, Tye, Dapr, Ocelot, RabbitMq, MassTransit, mssql, postgresql, elasticsearch, kibana, jwt
Toolkit for working in microservices/micro-frontends architecture.
LAppS - Lua Application Server for micro-services with default communication over WebSockets. The fastest and most vertically scalable WebSockets server implementation ever. Low latency C++ <-> Lua s...
Feel free to fork or clone this repo to practice your devops learning. This repo contains the manifest files supporting the concept you are trying to learn
Consensus (Raft) and Memberlist (SWIM) implementation for .NET micro-services
DB Table synchronization between microservices based on Model's event system and RabbitMQ messaging
API Gateway service for Moleculer framework using SocketCluster
OpenTera - Open TeleRehabilitation Server and Micro-Services
Best Practices for Securing Services on Bare Metal
spring cloud入门 学习笔记,Spring Boot + Spring Cloud + mybatis + h2 基础做脚手架;集成了注册中心Eureka,单实例、集群的实践; 集成Ribbon 做负载,Zuul网关动态路由分发以及参数配置调优、Spring Gateway网关做路由分发以及动态路由;Hystrix熔断,Feign声明式调用; Config 配置中心、Sleuth调用链路...
A demo project for a JAX-RS REST service designed to run on kubernetes. Showcasing spf4j functionality, jax-rs actuator, avro rest, avro logging, avro configuration...
Repositório com uma estrutura simples e rápida para compor serviços, sites e api's