Distributed transactional NoSQL database, Redis protocol compatible using tikv as backend
A db proxy for distributed transaction, read write splitting and sharding! Support any language! It can be deployed as a sidecar in a pod.
Distributed Transaction Service For Spring Cloud
翻译 - Spring Cloud分布式交易服务
Two-phase (2PC) and three-phase (3PC) protocols implementaion in Golang
基于springboot , zookeeper , redis 分布式事务强一致性方案
A basic hotel reservation system with 2PC using pessimistic and optimistic locks in Go
最终一致性2PC范式,提供多聚合根之间交互事务的抽象接口。任何基于cqrs + eda 实现多聚合根最终一致性的框架,都可基于此接口进行实现,以达到提高开发效率的目的。
Client for the TLSNotary protocol (Chromium extension).
A 2PC platform for having transactionality in distributed systems. (although it's not technically a good thing to do 😉)
Simple console implementation of Two Phase commit using c# and ADO.Net
Implementing a distributed database transaction service using 2PC.
Transactional outbox of Postgres for Node.js with little Event Sourcing
Implementation for MIT6.824 Distributed System
Implementation of the distributed transaction.