TransmittableThreadLocal 继承并加强InheritableThreadLocal类,解决异步执行时上下文传递的问题。
Dependency injection framework for Python
ThreadLocal for Golang.
Provides some convenient API, includes Goid(), GetG() and LocalStorage, which is a goroutine's local storage, just like ThreadLocal in other languages.
local storage that is shared between all stack frames (top down) in a call chain, including async function
基于springboot , zookeeper , redis 分布式事务强一致性方案
Propagate snapshots of ThreadLocal values to another thread
a concurrent framework from netty that contains: promise-framework, fastThreadLocal-framework, etc. 一个从netty抽取出来的通用并发框架,包含:promise-framework, fastThreadLocal-framework, 等等。
Provides the basis for implementing the Ambient Context pattern, as well as a Clock implementation based on it.
基于 AOP、Spring 动态数据源切换、MyBatis 插件开发、散列算法等技术,实现的 SpringBoot Starter 数据库路由组件,该组件在分库分表场景下,支持个性化的分库分表、只分库或只分表,甚至双字段控制分库分表。它的横向扩展性和易维护性为系统的持续发展提供了良好的支持。
POC to demonstrate automation of entity fields such as created_at, created_by, updated_by using JPA @Embedded, @Embeddable and ThreadLocal
Example of selenium test using Page-Object-Model running on Maven build, TestNG framework and Allure Report.
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尚硅谷Javaweb教程网上书城项目完整版,订单模块完整,jdbcutilfilter与threadLocal连用部分我使用后有数据库并发错误,能力有限,改不出来,就改回了不用thread local的版本,有高手看到后解决了请给我个链接