#区块链#The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
#安卓#Google Photos 和 Apple Photos 的开源代替品,端对端加密
#区块链#Modular ZK(Zero Knowledge) backend accelerated by GPU
🦁 The Leo Programming Language. A Programming Language for Formally Verified, Zero-Knowledge Applications
#区块链#A Decentralized Operating System for ZK Applications
翻译 - 零知识应用的去中心化操作系统
#区块链#FISCO BCOS(发音为/ˈfɪskl bi:ˈkɒz/)是一个稳定、高效、安全的许可区块链平台,已被广泛应用于现实的行业应用。截至目前,已拥有5000多家企事业单位,400多个产业数字化标杆应用,涵盖文化版权、司法服务、政府服务、物联网、金融、智慧社区、房地产建设、社区治理、乡村振兴等领域。FISCO BCOS (pronounced /ˈfɪskl bi:ˈkɒz/) is a stabl...
The Nexus zkVM: The zero-knowledge virtual machine
#区块链#零知识证明入门教程。Comprehensive Zero-Knowledge Proofs Tutorial. #zk #WIP
RISC Zero is a zero-knowledge verifiable general computing platform based on zk-STARKs and the RISC-V microarchitecture.
Nym provides strong network-level privacy against sophisticated end-to-end attackers, and anonymous transactions using blinded, re-randomizable, decentralized credentials.
#区块链#The fastest, most feature-complete zkVM for developers.
#区块链#Anonymous. Uncensored. Sovereign.
翻译 - 匿名的。未经审查。主权。
#区块链#A zkVM for Decentralized Private Computations (DPC)
#区块链#Rust implementation of Ziesha protocol
ezkl is an engine for doing inference for deep learning models and other computational graphs in a zk-snark (ZKML). Use it from Python, Javascript, or the command line.
"Zero-Knowledge" Proof Implementation with HMAC Communication in Python
Noir is a domain specific language for zero knowledge proofs
Kakarot is a zkEVM written in Cairo, leveraging the STARK proof system.
A zero-knowledge protocol for anonymous interactions.