Apache Calcite是一个动态数据管理框架,它具备很多典型数据库管理系统的功能,比如SQL解析、SQL校验、SQL查询优化、SQL生成以及数据连接查询等,但是又省略了一些关键的功能,比如Calcite并不存储相关的元数据和基本数据,不完全包含相关处理数据的算法等。
A JVM-embeddable Distributed Database
A monorepo containing the packages for Esri's Calcite Design System
A Calcite theme and a custom build system for building Bootstrap apps.
Learning summary and examples about data systems.
Generating Federated GraphQL API's from Datasources with Apache Calcite
An ArcGIS configurable application for creating, styling and sharing modern 2D and 3D map apps. Built with ArcGIS for Javascript API v4, Calcite Maps and Bootstrap.
Tiny Database: Query Engine, Storage Engine, Calcite, ANTLR
Esri's official color documentation repository that is leveraged by Calcite and all other Esri initiatives.
Fense is a database proxy written in Java, which can connect DB of different engines at the same time. The key features are: authority management, query cache, audit security, current limiting fuse, o...
翻译 - Fense是一个用Java编写的数据库代理,可以同时连接不同引擎的DB。主要功能有:权限管理、查询缓存、审计安全、限流熔断器、onesql等