A monorepo containing the packages for Esri's Calcite Design System
Example applications utilizing calcite-components
This repository is a companion resource to the "Building Web Apps with Calcite Design System" technical session at Esri User Conference 2023.
A simple web app demonstrating how to calculate areas within a 15 min walking distance from a location, built with the ArcGIS Maps SDK for Javascript.
Esri Developer & Technology Summit demo templates
Style resources for .NET XAML Frameworks (WPF, WinUI & .NET MAUI) inspired by the Calcite Design System.
This is a my pet project with ESRI calcite library for a custom map viewer (ArcGIS React Calcite Template)
Learn how you can create custom UIs using the widget viewModels. We will look at examples using viewModels to create UIs within popular web frameworks and libraries, as well as the Calcite Design Syst...
Code modification tool for automatically updating applications after breaking changes to Calcite Design System packages
This repository is a companion resource to the "Designing Apps with Calcite Design System" technical session at Esri Developer Summit 2023.
(Unofficial) A small VSCode extension for assisting those develop using the Calcite Design System
This project demonstrates the implementation of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript with the Calcite Design System using Svelte and TypeScript with Vite.
Calcite Design System provides a library of patterns, icons, and ready-to-use, reusable web components to help developers easily build consistent web applications. In this session, you'll learn about ...
This repository has an application that I built featuring ImageServer services from ArcGIS.
A simple example that uses Stencil to create a reusable web component using Calcite and the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript.
The third session in our three-part series on building applications with the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript